====== EXODE broadcast fixes and changelog ====== == Pack NFTS == Pack NFTs were broadcasted in April with the "exode_new_delivery" message but this message became obsolete and is not required for replay. Pack NFTs are mentioned as soon as required for blockchain replay: 1) a pack opening mentions its source pack 2) a contract opening for instance needs to ensure the pack NFT is known and bound to account. 3) a market purchase or transfer also mentions a NFT. In this case, they are part of the message. == "openpack" and Pack NFTs == The NFT of the source pack is always mentioned here. However some packs can generate new packs. When this article was written, it was only the case of Triple Packs, which contain three starters. Pack NFTs have also been added **May 11th (11:30 AM UTC) to the open pack message of Triple Packs**, which announced the destination packs. They were missing before, and it was not intended to be missing from this message. == exode_newpack (one repeated broadcast) == In April, one "exode-newpack" broadcast was repeated. The first broadcast was validated by back-end and all others were ignored (as should be), so it caused no issue, but it's worth mentioning for blockchain replay. Its target was account "dynaxius" .