Crafting General Rules

[ note: this article is a work in progress ]

There are several pools of Design Points, with one for each crafting activity. The first one to be unlocked is food design.

The system will find the the top Production Team of its class and use it as the one available for producing Design Points every day for this colony.

It will also be the team used for all next player-led interactive actions, called Crafting Actions.

In addition to this generate, players will also receive a large number of Design Points for the purpose of testing this feature.

How to Generate Design Points

Eligible Teams will generate Design Points every colonization day.

Design Points generation will accumulate points to a pool, until it reaches a point limit.

This follows the fairness rule of EXODE, which allows a player to be offline for a few colonization days without issue.

The number of points generated will vary but is currently at half the team skill value, meaning that a team at 70 skill value will generate 35 Design Points per day. Testers also receive a pool of points to begin testing.

EXODE plans to add 20% more design points per team experience level, up to level 10 at 200%, giving up to 2 times their skill value.

Points can be stored.

The default allows for ten days of storage to reach the upper limit of stored Design Points, being 5 times the team skill value.

This is rounded down to the closest hundred, so with a team of 70 skill value, the pool maximum will be 300 points.

Special Perks

Perks can be unlocked by teams when they gain levels.

Production teams with the 'Expert Designer' perk will generate a bonus of 15 points per day per power level.

Production teams with the 'Expert Documentation' perk will generate a maximum pool (the upper limit) of 100 points higher per power level.

How to Use Design Points

These Design Points can be used to “fund” your crafting actions.

This allows players to spend “a lot of design points at once” in a number of interactions that we can call a 'crafting session'..

Again, this is made to be favorable to a relaxed style of play.

During a crafting session, you use your Design Points to prepare assets, create new design templates, and if you already have design templates, produce elements thanks to them.