The Fairness Rule of EXODE
EXODE published a Game Manifesto when it began, to share its game values and intent.
The “Fairness Rule of EXODE” comes directly from what EXODE stands for.
It means that:
- Players should be able to participate in almost all of EXODE activities even with just a small investment, such as an EXODE starter.
- Ownership should be protected. This is contrary to regular publishing schemes where a game has limited lifespan to make sure players purchase new content and games (and no longer use the former game), and contrary to ponzi games (and most blockchain games) where unsustainable short-term gains are planned and the economy later falls down.
- In EXODE old assets should as much as possible gain value and utility over time instead of becoming obsolete.
- In EXODE old assets should as much as possible gain value and utility over time instead of becoming obsolete.
- Player time and commitment should be protected, allowing them to participate to their family & friend activities, other cultural approaches and other games and entertainment without feeling that they lose on their EXODE outcomes.