Achea is a Space Federation planet and main capital city which acts as a cultural hub in year 2325.
Local corporates, socialites and clubbers here became dominated by heavily-armed and city-wide Achean Gangs.
Even police and federal forces have learnt ways to live with them in the city. Now they mostly tolerate their activity, especially as long as they do not directly attack important corporate or government grounds.
You can read more about the planet history here.
Achean Gangs use a very organized class system with Skrivs, Krugans and Droven making the most gang members, then a group of Brazen, Darsi and venerated Suprine dominating social areas, and at the top a ruling inner circle called "their Celeb Crew".
Achean Gangs have a very identified culture with most outstanding features being:
- Many dark leather cloth variations called sprims, spruds and others,
- A collection of "almost tribal" symbols called “Acheads” (pronunced a-kay-ads),
- Fast and loud vehicles called racers, mazers and flakers,
- A specific custom use of heavy guns with them being called Harguns, Hipguns and even Breakguns depending on their usage,
- "Breakguns" being the biggest weapons of them all with their usage following a surprising subset of “honorable traditions”: they are allowed when enemy declares the use of barricades, then you must use the big gun to make “the loudest sound” and break structures; but also kill the fewest with it… or risk dishonor to your name!
- A gang reputation maintained by a wide range of activities, not so much with pure violence or shootouts but also with “peaceful intimidation”, hacking performance and even social clubbing (and the deadly and not-so-occasional large shootouts too when that fails!),
- "Achean cuts", a very famous haircut from this planet and its variations,
- "Kluthams" as a way to designate all relooking and social value items, including metalskins, paintjobs, clothing, hair color and style, even down to the heavy relooking of their personal pistoblade ; you always want to have more “kluth” than your enemy!
- "Vothams" as a specific subset of Kluthams that does “very loud bangs” and can be noticed even very far away ; this includes boomboxes and music arrays on vehicles,
- "Bezzams" as intimidating semi-weaponry, usually blade or electric-based, specifically used on vehicles for “mild” car-to-car combat and allowed in racing contests,
- "Tuzzies" as all kind of non-lethal weaponry such as tazers, “knockers”, “tuzblades” and stun grenades used in specific “non-lethal melee combat”, and that even achean kids learn to use “just for fun”,
- "Fosta" as all kind of food and beverage and benefits used in parties to boost morale of a gang,
- Kaboggies, Quadribogs and Bullbogs as families of weaponized vehicles, Bullbogs being very heavy trucks or buses converted into “street dreadnoughts of sorts”,
- Shekters, Underdams and large corporate Kompacs as relevant targets of conquest, to expand territory with anything from garage vehicles and armories to fashion stores, restaurants and nightclubs.
Achea is becoming a very important PVP playground with the gameplay of Conquest of Achea coming up soon in EXODE. In EXODE time, these events will occur in 2325 and before the alien attacks.
The PVP setup will put forward the entirety of the Achean culture along with dynamic territorial conquest.
Participating in these events is of course optional but will also grant seasonal collection rewards.
Conquest of Achea is part of a collection of PvE and PvP features called “EXODE Factions”, meant to play all collection not directly involved in colonization and to be opened up for Free-to-play and guest invites.
PvP there is meant as an isolated and fun experience, though as not that adversive or toxic but part of EXODE lore in 2325 and of using resources in a dynamic environment.
It will include declaring friendships, rivalries, having some peaceful contents in additional to shootouts to gain territory.