The Celeb Crew

The Celeb Crew is the ruling group of an Achean Gang.

The Celeb Crew itself is composed of a group of superior officers who are raised from the ranks thanks to their achievements.

Sometimes individually called “Kubanites”, possibly as a term part of a subset of classes such as Krugans, but always called “The Crew” or “Celeb Crew” as a group, this inner circle of superior lieutenants often act individually but are not independent: they project the authority and decision of the gang leader, and they only act with his orders.

The entire Celeb Crew may also be present in very high stake “Crew raids” to give them reputation, or important social activities such as meeting with their Rivals.

Reputation is always an important currency on Achea, able to make or break a Gang.

This means the gang leader do not always risk himself or herself in these: his or her presence is considered to be an exceptional attention and also an immense risk to his or her own Reputation.

Power of the leader instead often comes projected from the loyalty and strength of his own Celeb Crew, and the ability to do so is often valued and appreciated by the Gang.

Even the number of positions held in the Crew itself heavily depends on the perceived reputation, influence and territory of the Gang, with a Gang never exceeding its authority with too many members in a Celeb Crew or else risk compromising its authority and its existence as a respected Gang.

These officers also often individually lead the raids of Skrivs and Krugans, with only one Kubanite doing so for an entire raid, and never one more or less.

This Lieutenant will thus bear responsibility for the success or failure of the raid, thus protecting the gang leader from this outcome if that fails.

Secondary leaders

What makes Achean Gangs especially effective and determined is not only their vehicle and weapon traditions, but also how they are also seconded in their task by another group of established charismatic, daring minor leaders, called Herospreks, to further boost the morale and dedication of the group.

Herospreks are an optional second group of minor leaders helping the Kubanite during raids.

Usually a Herosprek is called for as minor leader to each support a group of at most 20 gang members.

The Herosprek acts as a very intrepid agent, leading by example, making members exceedingly motivated. The name, actually, comes not only for their outstanding and inviting charisma but also how they expose themselves during attacks.

These minor leaders know the Kubanite will appreciate the effort.. or be there to punish any cowardice!

Conquest of Achea

In the gameplay of Conquest of Achea, the Celeb Crew is a group of characters that the player can control.

Players receive an initial group of Kubanites making their starting Celeb Crew. Every Kubanite is procedurally generated.

All characters in a Celeb Crew can be equipped individually.

The Crew itself can be sent into missions or some of them used as officers in large-scale raids.