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exode-planet-nft [2025/03/06 16:02]
elindos [Advanced Parameters]
exode-planet-nft [2025/03/06 16:03] (current)
elindos [Advanced Parameters]
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 These numbers are to be used and combined to determine a large number of binary additions to the current template, using their binary interpretation even as they are larger integers. These numbers are to be used and combined to determine a large number of binary additions to the current template, using their binary interpretation even as they are larger integers.
-Loot tables are also created to determine a large set of usable [[planet-food|unique food]] and [[planet-materials|unique materials]] only pertaining to this planet.+Loot tables are also created to determine a large set of readily ​usable [[planet-food|unique food]] and [[planet-materials|unique materials]] only pertaining to this planet.
 These food and material items will be used ever since the very first [[colonization-day|days]] of your [[gameplay-colonization|colonization]] and are thus very important for gameplay and player experience. These food and material items will be used ever since the very first [[colonization-day|days]] of your [[gameplay-colonization|colonization]] and are thus very important for gameplay and player experience.