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start [2025/03/05 14:07]
elindos [Welcome to EXODE!]
start [2025/03/05 14:07] (current)
elindos [Getting Started]
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 ===== The Manifesto ===== ===== The Manifesto =====
-The first and most important thing about any new game is to know what is in the designer/​developer’s head.  It will tell you what he believes is important, where his priorities are and, generally, which way he is likely to decide when there are multiple options. ​ Conveniently,​ Elindos has written a Game Manifesto that gives a great feel for where his head is at, what he wants to do and what he wants to avoid. ​ It is relatively short and extremely well written. ​ You should go and read it now before proceeding. ​+The first and most important thing about any new game is to know what is in the designer/​developer’s head.  It will tell you what he believes is important, where his priorities are and, generally, which way he is likely to decide when there are multiple options. 
 +Conveniently,​ Elindos has written a Game Manifesto that gives a great feel for where his head is at, what he wants to do and what he wants to avoid. ​ It is relatively short and extremely well written. ​ You should go and read it now before proceeding. ​
 https://​​documents/​EXODE_Manifesto.pdf ​ https://​​documents/​EXODE_Manifesto.pdf ​
 ===== Getting Started ===== ===== Getting Started =====
-You can start by reading an [[game-overview|overview of the game]] or [[join-community|joining the community]]. ​ When you're ready to dive right in, start with our [[getting-started|getting started guide]] or join a [[contests|contest]]. A full [[faq|FAQ]] has been released and you may also learn more information about our [[exode-versions|released versions]] and the [[current-status|current status]] of the game.  A [[0-table-of-contents|table-of-contents]] is also available. ​+You can start by reading an [[game-overview|overview of the game]] or [[join-community|joining the community]]. ​ 
 +When you're ready to dive right in, start with our [[getting-started|getting started guide]] or join a [[contests|contest]]. 
 +A full [[faq|FAQ]] has been released and you may also learn more information about our [[exode-versions|released versions]] and the [[current-status|current status]] of the game. 
 +A [[0-table-of-contents|table-of-contents]] is also available. ​