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crafting-food-menu-calculation [2025/03/23 17:30]
elindos [Base Concept]
crafting-food-menu-calculation [2025/03/23 17:31] (current)
elindos [Base Concept]
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 === Gained Stamina === === Gained Stamina ===
-To determine gained Stamina we will add Nutrients of all ingredients in the menu then modify it according to your Rating.+To determine gained Stamina we will add Nutrients of all ingredients in the menu then modify it according to your Menu Rating.
-//For instance suppose if you have 1200 total Nutrients and a 3-stars Rating of 60.+//For instance suppose if you have 1200 total Nutrients and a 3-stars ​Menu Rating of 60.
 This will give a total of 72 Stamina Gained when eating your menu. Good job! 72 is really good!// This will give a total of 72 Stamina Gained when eating your menu. Good job! 72 is really good!//