Food Menu

Note: this article is part of a collection of articles about crafting.

You can craft a menu after picking prepared food ingredients and choosing a dish type for each of them.

You can choose to craft a Cantina Menu or a Travel Ration.

The calculations may seem very detailed but all this work rather naturally and intuitively.

For instance if you pick compatible dish types, non-toxic food, and have a main course & base and anothing else (appetizer and/or dessert for instance) you'll score already well and this will result in a good menu.

Note that calculations below may be modified at any time for gameplay or economical improvements: some food values for instance are unused yet, to allow players to familiarize themselves with a first version.

If you want to have the best and most refined crafting values, mechanics are exposed below to help you understand how EXODE calculates all factors.

Base Concept

The system will determine appetency of your dishes and a final Rating for your entire menu.

This will be done by giving a score in three areas: Appetency, Composition and Plate Success.

Once the system gets your Menu Rating, it will use it to calculate the end Stamina you'll gain by eating it.

A good menu will give even more Stamina!

But note that Buffs exist too and may further affect the outcome!

Cantina Menu

For a Cantina Menu, appetency is first obtained by determining closeness to max value in Taste, Looks and Nutrients, and closeness to zero in Toxicity.

This appetency is scored from 0 to 100.

0 is what you would have if you had 0 in Taste, Looks, Nutrients and 100 in Toxicity.

100 is what you would have if you had 100 in Taste, Looks, Nutrients and 0 in Toxicity.

This is determined by using distance to the best value, such as in the example below:

If you had 60 Taste, 60 Looks, 50 Nutrients and 30 Toxicity, your “total distance to optimal values will be 160” (with 40, 40, 50 and 30 respectively).

This makes an average of 40 distance to optimal values (because 160 / 4 = 40). Your appetency will be rated at (100 - this average).

So you will obtain 60 appetency in the example above.

Appetency is actually determined this way for every ingredient in the menu then used as an average of all ingredients in it.

Travel Ration

For a Travel Ration, appetency is obtained by determining closeness to max value in Nutrients and closeness to zero in Fragility and Toxicity.

Looks and Taste are not important in Travel Rations: but food needs to be not fragile, and not decay easily!


We then determine a “Composition Score”.

You get +20 for every different dish type in your menu, and -20 if you lack a main course and -20 if you lack a main base.

If you have an Appetizer, a Main Course and a Main Base, you then have a Composition Score of 60.

If you have an Appetizer and a Dessert, you then have a Composition Score of 0. Eating chips and cake does not make a good composition… but you can still gain some benefits from it, especially if they have Buffs!

Plate Success

We then determine the individual success of every dish you provided in the menu.

This will use the individual compatibility of all dishes and make an average.

So if you used an Appetizer with 80% compatibility with the Appetizer criteria, a Main course with 40% compatibility with the Main Course criteria, and a Main base with 60% compatibility with the Main Base criteria, you will end up with (180 / 3) = 60% Plate Success.

Final Menu Rating

To determine the final rating for your menu we make an average of your Appetency, Composition and Plate Success!

So if you had 60 Appetency, 60 Composition and 60 Plate Success, you will of course have 60 as Final Rating.

Gained Stamina

To determine gained Stamina we will add Nutrients of all ingredients in the menu then modify it according to your Menu Rating.

For instance suppose if you have 1200 total Nutrients and a 3-stars Menu Rating of 60. This will give a total of 72 Stamina Gained when eating your menu. Good job! 72 is really good!