Ship's Wreck
The Ship's Wreck is the first colonization building on your colony.
It is created for free and automatically by the system when you land on a new planet.
The Ship's Wreck acts as an automatic workplace, living space, cantina and storage for your colony.
Ship Wreck has some of the lowest possible values in direct benefits compared to any building that you research and build.
It is, however, effective in atmospheric and environmental protection.
In addition, some researches may improve its output.
It can make the ship's wreck an acceptable living space, for instance, or improve other aspects.
Note that the more citizens using the ship's wreck for a given activity, the less efficient that activity becomes.
As a simplification for players, we begin game tests with a -50% proficiency for all activities and positive events done at the ship wreck. This also includes -50% benefits from sleep, etc.
To allow to test deeper mechanics sooner, this limitation may even be sometimes lifted in the first tests.