Resources for Conquest of Achea

Initial seasons of Conquest of Achea will follow a simple distribution system: they will take into account all packs you cannot open at the moment, and give you points for all of them!

Conquest of Achea will determine initial Resource Points distributed to players.

These points will be distributed whenever a new season begins (for registered players) or when they register into an ongoing season (for unregistered players).

How Resources are Determined

You will gain more resource points if you own Achean Gangs Contracts, Beta Boosters, EXODE Credits and alpha Achean cards.

These Resource Points will be calculated from:

- The number of Achean Gangs contract packs in your collection,

- The number of Beta Boosters in your collection,

- The number of Achean faction cards gained from your alpha boosters,

- And also some bonus for the number of EXODE Credits you have in storage.

The last part is to give you rewards and participation in Conquest of Achea, before you can get them in EXODE Factions PVP later.

Conquest of Achea will act as a PVP test to also be later used in EXODE Factions and in later PVP Settings.