Scanning phase: Crew role assignments

During the scanning phase, you will be able to assign your crew members to different roles, some roles are mandatory and some other are optional. The different roles and their required traits are listed here:


This role is mandatory, you must assign a Pilot. He will be tasked to keep your ship unharmed, undetected and fast as your are travelling toward your new home. Your Pilot will also be in charge during the Landing phase.

Pilots main traits are Piloting, Spaceships, Awareness and Stealth.


Note: this role will soon become available and will be added to alpha.

This role is optional. An Engineer will report you any damage occurring in your ship and will automatically fix damaged modules.

Engineers main traits are Cybernetics and Mechanics. Cybernetics is used to provide faster damage report, and Mechanics is used for repairs.

Welfare officer

Note: this role will soon become available and will be added to alpha.

This role is optional. The Welfare officer will check how your passengers are and count who and how many are alive. He will report you the list of the passenger, and may increase their happiness or reduce their stress.

Welfare officers main traits are Conversation and Empathy.

Shield officer

Note: this role will soon become available and will be added to alpha.

This role is optional. The Shield officer will be brain-linked to your ship shields. This is a dangerous task and works as during the Evacuation Scene.

Shield officers main traits are Warfare or Signals, Toughness and Discipline.

Veilscan officer

Note: this role will soon become available and will be added to alpha.

This role is optional. The Veilscan officer will identify and report the threat for your ships. If successful, the Veilscan officer will increase your ship's Evasion chances. The Veilscan efficiency will depends heavily on your ship's technology.

Veilscan officers main traits are Signals and Radar (SRT), Cybernetics and Programming.

Scan officer

This role is optional. The Scan officer will perform a scan of the planet to identify landing site, research, profit, or habitability potentials of the target planet.

Scan officers main traits are Signals and Radar (SRT), Spaceships and different traits depending on the type of scan selected.